Short-term Effects

The short-term effects are that it gave the women the right to privacy. In the 14th

amendment it states that we the people have the right to privacy, or "the right to be left alone."

This helped in the debate because the amendments are very important in the U.S. and are always

followed. If everyone has the right to privacy, then it gives the right for women to decide what they

want to do with there bodies.

Long-term Effects

The decision was finally decided on January 22, 1973. The decision was to restrict women's access to abortion

during the first 3 month of pregnancy. Since 1973, 49,551,703 abortions have been done, 115,000 abortions have

been performed per day, and 42 million abortions have been performed per year. States were permitted to adopt

restrictive laws with respecting the mother's health during the second trimester. The practice could be banned

outright during the third trimester. Any state law that conflicted with this ruling was automatically overturned.

Later court decisions such as Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) have upheld the right of states to impose waiting

periods and parental notification requirements. Planned Parenthood clinics have become local battlegrounds over

the abortion controversy. Anti-abortion extremists have even bombed several Planned Parenthood sites.